ACES Education

We provide flight simulator services for secondary schools and colleges in Thailand and beyond. Our aim is to make simulation more affordable and accessible.

Our range of programs can help students improve academic results in STEM and English, fast track their way into an aviation career, and/or fast track their way to university success.



We aim to help improve STEM education in Thailand by providing innovative flight simulator technology combined with lesson plans that can integrate with the standard curriculum.

We will achieve these goals by:

Providing high quality products that are also affordable, for genuine value and superior performance.

Fully supporting our customers by providing dedicated personnel who will work full time with the customer to ensure optimal results are obtained.

Creating even more value with our "never obsolete" policy. Our products are continually upgraded and supported throughout the life of the contract, so they never wear out or become superseded by newer technology.



This service has the potential to help many teachers throughout Thailand achieve better learning outcomes for their students.

We will continue to improve and expand what we can offer, and will strive to find more ways to add value to our service.

Step by step we will build a stronger and better service. We will listen to feedback from our customers and their students and use this to improve in whatever ways we can.

Now as we take a big step forward, we are bringing something new and exciting to the market.

Each additional step must be bigger and better so we can become the number one simulator technology company in Southeast Asia.



Mind of a Leader
We will always innovate and strive for excellence in all we do. We hold in reverence the qualities of integrity, dignity, and wisdom.

Heart of a Servant
Being always unselfish and respectful to others, acting with generosity and compassion. These are the right qualities for success, because people show the best of themselves when they feel valued and respected.

Spirit of a Warrior
Everything is possible with courage, honor, and discipline in the appropriate measures.

The fate of empires depends on the education of youth. — Aristotle

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