ACES Education

September 2023 October >

Change is on the way

As the world hurtles toward an automated future, the unskilled labor market stands at a crossroads. The rise of automation technologies threatens to reshape industries and redefine work, leaving a pressing question: How can schools prepare their students for a tech-driven future? Let's examine the crucial role schools will play in equipping the workforce of tomorrow.

The rough road to recovery

International aviation was almost devastated by Covid-19, but now travel has returned stronger than ever. However, this recovery is at risk of being hampered by a looming shortage of skilled aviators. More and more experienced pilots are retiring due to age or other factors, and this is happening faster than student pilots are graduating to replace them. How will this affect the future of the aviation industry?

Fresh Perspective Needed

Thailand's technology education system is falling behind that of other developed nations, but the real issue isn't the students; it's a lingering perception among education officials that Thai students lack capacity for tech excellence. In truth, your students may be more capable than you think. Are we overlooking the potential that could give Thais a more active role in the tech revolution?

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