STEM+ Aviator

STEM+ Aviator is a modular course developed by ACES Education for integration into a standard high school curriculum as an elective subject. We provide all of the necessary equipment and even the instructors to teach the classes, but schools retain autonomy over things like when the classes will be taught and what fees students will have to pay per semester. This approach allows schools to control the balance between their need to recover the cost of their investment and what their students can afford to pay. It can even allow schools to make a profit on the investment if they wish, meaning more money that can be spent on other areas of their educational offerings.

STEM+ Aviator is a modular course developed by ACES Education for integration into a standard high school curriculum as an elective subject.

We provide all of the necessary equipment and even the instructors to teach the classes, but schools retain autonomy over things like when the classes will be taught and what fees students will have to pay per semester.

This approach allows schools to control the balance between their need to recover the cost of their investment and what their students can afford to pay. It can even allow schools to make a profit on the investment if they wish, meaning more money that can be spent on other areas of their educational offerings.

This course is intended for students who have a desire to work in the aviation industry as pilots or flight instructors after they graduate from school. At present, it is the only course of its kind giving high school students an opportunity to train with real flight simulators throughout the entire school year.

Now let's take a look at the program structure so you can see how the course progresses during high school and after graduation from high school. ACES Education continues to work with the student, supporting them in achieving career objectives for as long as necessary.

STEM+ Aviator Program Structure

Semester 1
Basic Aviation (A) 120 hours
4101 Control Systems & Communications
4102 Control on the Ground
4103 Takeoff and Landing
4104 Competency Practice 1
4105 Control Trim
4106 Landing Patterns
4107 Competency Practice 2
4108 Flying in Traffic
4109 Competency Practice 3
Semester 2
Basic Aviation (B) 120 hours
4110 Stalling & Recovery
4111 Adapting to Weather (MC2)
4112 Competency Practice 4
4113 Adapting to Weather (MC3)
4114 Competency Practice 5
4115 Emergency Procedures 1
4116 Emergency Procedures 2
4117 Emergency Procedures 3
4118 Combination Flying Skills

Semester 1
Basic Non-Combat (A) 120 hours
5101 Basic Aerobatics
5102 Competency Practice 6
5103 Low Altitude Flight
5104 Competency Practice 7
5105 Introduction to Flight Planning
5106 VFR Cross Country Flight
5107 Crosswind Flying
5108 IFR Flying (Night)
5109 IFR Flying (MC2)
5110 IFR Flying (MC3)
Semester 2
Basic Non-Combat (B) 120 hours
5111 Competency Practice 8
5112 Competency Practice 9
5113 Competency Practice 10
5114 Competency Practice 11
5115 Competency Practice 12
5116 Competency Practice 13
5117 Competency Practice 14
5118 Competency Practice 15
5119 Competency Practice 16
5120 Combination Flying Skills

Semester 1
Advanced Non-Combat A 120 hours
6101 Advanced Aerobatics
6102 Competency Practice 17
6103 Formation Flying
6104 Competency Practice 18
6105 Team Aerobatics
6106 Competency Practice 19
6107 Team Mission 1
6108 Team Mission 2
6109 Team Mission 3
6110 Competency Practice 20
Semester 2
Advanced Non-Combat B 120 hours
6111 Emergency Procedures 1
6112 Emergency Procedures 2
6113 Emergency Prodcures 3
6114 Emergency Procedures 4
6115 Competency Practice 21
6116 Competency Practice 22
6117 Competency Practice 23
6118 Competency Practice 24
6119 Competency Assessment 1
6120 Competency Assessment 2

Semester 1
Academic Preparation 720 hours
FLTRDY Flight Theory (54 hrs)
AVNENG Aviation English (54 hrs)
GNDSCL Preflight Prep (54 hrs)
HSTLRN Learning from History (54 hrs)
SIMPRC Simulator Practice (504 hrs)
SIMADD Optional Extra Practice (216 hrs)

Semester 1
PPL Ground School 30 hours
GND-001 Introduction
Airplane Components
Systems Knowledge
GND-002 Weight & Balance
Performance & Limits
Airspace Classes
Aeronautical Charts
GND-003 Radar & ATC
Communications Equipment
Airport Operations
Night Flying
GND-004 Meteorology Sources & Interpeting
Cross Country Flight Planning
Using an E6B Plotter
Using an EFB
GND-005 Human Factors
Risk Management
Single Pilot Resource Management
GND-006 FAR Part 61 & 91
Aeronautical Information Manual
NTSB Part 830
FAA Adisory Circulars

Semester 1 (4 months)
PPL Certification 55 hours
FAM-001 Introduction
FAM-002 Basic Control 1
FAM-003 Basic Control 2
FAM-004 Basic Control 3
FAM-005 Basic Control 3
PPL-001 Takeoff and Landing
PPL-002 Pre-Solo
PPL-003 First Solo
PPL-004 Second Solo
PPL-005 Skill Building Exercises
PPL-100 Night and Cross Country Flying
PPL-101 Electronic Navigation Systems
PPL-102 Cross Country Solo 1
PPL-103 Night Solo 1
PPL-104 Cross Country Solo 2
PPL-105 Emergency Management Review
PPL-201 Preparing for Certification
PPL-202 Certification Test 1
PPL-203 Certification Test 2
PPL-204 Certification Test 3
PPL-205 Certification Test 4
Semester 2 (4 months)
Instrument Rating 55 hours
IFR-001 Simulator IFR Training 1
IFR-002 Simulator IFR Training 2
IFR-003 Simulator IFR Training 3
IFR-004 Simulator IFR Training 4
IFR-005 Simulator IFR Training 5
IFR-006 Simulator IFR Training 6
IFR-007 Simulator IFR Training 7
IFR-101 IFR Training in Plane 1
IFR-102 IFR Training in Plane 2
IFR-103 IFR Training in Plane 3
IFR-104 IFR Training in Plane 4
IFR-105 IFR Training in Plane 5
IFR-106 IFR Training in Plane 6
IFR-107 IFR Training in Plane 7
IFR-108 IFR Training in Plane 8
IFR-109 IFR Training in Plane 9
IFR-110 IFR Training in Plane 10
IFR-111 IFR Training in Plane 11
IFR-112 IFR Training in Plane 12
IFR-113 IFR Training in Plane 13
IFR-114 IFR Training in Plane 14
IFR-115 IFR Training in Plane 15
IFR-116 IFR Training in Plane 16
IFR-117 IFR Training in Plane 17
IFR-118 IFR Training in Plane 18
IFR-119 IFR Training in Plane 19
IFR-120 IFR Training in Plane 20

Semester 1 (2 months)
CPL Preparation 65 hours
CPL-001 Professional Procedures
CPL-002 Advanced Navigation Skills
CPL-003 Experience Building
CPL-004 Flying Complex Airplanes
CPL-005 Commercial Flying
CPL-006 Preparation for Check Ride
CPL-007 FAR Review
CPL-008 Check Ride & Certification
Semester 2 (2 months)
Multi-Engine Rating 47 hours
MER-001 Intro to Multi-Engine Operations
MER-002 Intro to Multi-Crew Operations
MER-003 Intro to CRM Procedures
MER-004 Engine Failure in Critical Phase
MER-005 Multi-Engine Fuel Management
MER-006 Operations in Commercial Airspace
MER-007 Carriaage of Cargo
MER-008 Carriage of Passengers
MER-009 Pilot Professionalism Standards
MER-101 ME CPL Simulator Training 1
MER-102 ME CPL Simulator Training 2
MER-103 ME CPL Simulator Training 3
MER-201 ME CPL Training in Plane 1
MER-202 ME CPL Training in Plane 2
MER-210 ME CPL Training in Plane 3
MER-211 ME CPL Training in Plane 4
MER-212 ME CPL Training in Plane 5

Semester 1 (6 weeks)
CFI Preparation 20 hours
CFI-001 Human Behavior
CFI-002 Motivation
CFI-003 Inhibitions
CFI-004 Emotional Reactions
CFI-005 Teaching Adult Students
CFI-006 The Learning Process
CFI-007 Perceptions
CFI-008 Insight
CFI-009 Knowledge Acquisition
CFI-010 Thorndike's Laws of Learning
CFI-011 Domains of Learning
CFI-012 Characteristics of Learning
CFI-013 Learning Styles
CFI-014 Acquisition of Skills
CFI-015 Types of Practic
CFI-016 The Teaching Process
CFI-017 Giving Feedback
CFI-018 Instructor's Code of Conduct
CFI-019 Lesson Preparation
CFI-020 Practical Test Standards
Semester 2 (6 weeks)
CFI Readiness 20 hours
CFI-101 Training Technologies
CFI-102 Planing Instructional Activity
CFI-103 Instructor Responsibilites
CFI-104 Instructor Professionalism
CFI-105 Flight Instruction Techniques
CFI-106 Development of Habit Patterns
CFI-107 Operating Efficency
CFI-108 Procedures for Efficiency
CFI-109 Assessment of Piloting Ability
CFI-110 Correction of Student Errors
CFI-111 Aeronautical Decision Making
CFI-112 Use of Resources
CFI-113 Risk Management in Training
CFI-114 Risk Management Process
CFI-115 Assessing Risk
CFI-116 Mitigating Risk
CFI-117 Situational Awareness
CFI-118 Information Management
CFI-119 Automation Management
CFI-120 Teaching Decision-Making

Now that you have completed pilot training all the way up to CFI level, you are already qualified to start working. However, if you completed any ACES Education ASVP courses while you were in school, it's time to get the recognition you deserve.

If you decide to apply for PLA Assessement, you will need to participate in a 12 week course in Professional Portfolio Development. This course itself is worth 3 credits toward your degree.

Your previous study and experience will be used to assess your eligibility for up to 120 additional credits, which is enough to meet the requirements of a full degree. This means you can potentially earn a full 4 year degree in just 12 weeks without ever visiting the actual university campus (unless you want to).

All of the required work for the PLA Portfolio Development Course can be completed online. This means you can complete the course while you are working in your profession.

During this time it is recommended that you continue flying as much as possible. Building up experience hours, especially as Pilot in Command, is very important for your career. More important, in fact, than a university degree!


Pilot Career Milestones