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helicopter used for movie production image by Kirill Abramov

Helicopters in Film & Television Cinematography

An exciting career opportunity for helicopter pilots may be found in an unexpected place—film and television. Many people dismiss this avenue because they believe their chances of success are too slim. However, the reality is that these industries are always on the lookout for skilled professionals, and they employ thousands of people in a variety of roles. If you have specialized skills like helicopter flying, your chances of breaking in are already better than average.

Helicopters play a vital role in film and television productions in several ways:

  • Transporting Personnel and Equipment: Helicopters are often used to quickly move people and equipment to remote or difficult-to-reach locations.
  • Unique Filming Perspectives: A helicopter can offer dynamic aerial shots and angles that can't be achieved through traditional means.
  • Accessing Inaccessible Areas: Some locations are simply too difficult to reach by land, but a helicopter can get there.

Using helicopters allows producers to save on costs while offering directors the opportunity to plan for more exotic, visually striking scenes that will enhance the production’s entertainment or educational value.

Requirements & Duties:

The best part is that you don't necessarily need to wait for someone else to hire you. If you own a camera, a helicopter, and have great ideas, you can produce your own content. In this case, a commercial pilot's license isn't required because you're being paid for the content you create, not just for your flying skills. The key difference is that you will be responsible for covering all the costs upfront, so you'll need to work hard in the early stages to build a profitable production business.

However, if you're working for third parties, a commercial license becomes essential, as they’ll be hiring you specifically for your piloting skills (but they will also cover the production costs).

From movies and documentaries to news reports and sports broadcasts, there are a wealth of opportunities for those who are willing to dream beyond the ordinary.